Newly updated with lighter cushioning, the women's Adrenaline GTS 23 offers a perfect balance of support and softness that results in a smooth, soft ride ready for all your miles. It's easy to see why these women's running shoes have won the devotion of thousands of runners over the years.
All our running shoes prioritize comfort, but our GuideRails® technology adds support by keeping excess movement in check. So you stay in your natural stride, even when you get tired.
New midsole features soft and lighter weight DNA LOFT v2 cushioning.
Engineered air mesh upper provides comfort and breathability with 3D Fit Print for added structure.
Midsole drop 12mm
Weight 9.1oz / 258.0g
Fit Classic Fit
Ski, climb, hike, camp, and summit with expert-curated, guide-tested outdoor gear from top brands. Shop online or visit us in Seattle for friendly advice!
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