We’d love to consider purchasing your used skis, bindings, boots, crampons, poles, and more for store credit! However, we cannot accept all items. Please review the following guidelines before making the trek to our store!
AT Backcountry Skis
- No downhill skis
- No Telemark equipment (skis, boots, bindings)
- 2015 or newer
- Condition should allow us to sell for ≥ $500
- Undrilled OR with *acceptable AT bindings
- No skis with pre-drilled holes and inserts (on some old Dynafit and K2 models)
≥ 90 mm width in general except for specialty spring touring/ski mountaineering models
- 150-190cm (no kids’ skis)
- No downhill bindings
- Must be tech bindings
- No frame-type bindings
- Must be mounted on a ski
AT Boots
- Core sizes only
- ≤ 6 years old
- Must have heat moldable liners
- Condition should allow us to sell for ≥ $400
- Must be tech compatible
- No boots with shell modifications, e.g., shell punches, canting sole work, etc.
- Heavier AT-Sidecountry boots okay (check inventory first, we don’t want too many)
- Need extra sole block it comes with
- Only as part of a ski package; not by themselves
Ski Crampons
- ≥ 100mm
- Aluminum only (No BND steel crampons)
- Only for bindings we sell
- G3 Ion/Zed
- Dynafit
- Marker Kingpin
- Frischi Vipec/Tecton
- Atomic Backland
Backcountry Adjustable Poles
- Very good condition
- No twist-lock poles
Nordic Poles
- Only high-quality skate poles
Nordic Skis
- Skate skis or waxless Classic Skis
- Undrilled OR NNN compatible (Turnamic, Prolink, NNN or NNN BC)
- Acceptable bindings:
- NNN compatible: Rottefella NNN, Salomon Prolink, Rossi/Fischer Turnamic
- No Salomon Profil or Pilot bindings
- No Rottefella Xplore bindings
- No waxable skis
- No zer0-base classic skis
Nordic Boots
- Must be NNN compatible (Fischer/Rossi Turnamic, Salomon Prolink, Rossignol/Alpina/Madshus/Atomic NNN) or NNN BC compatible
- No Salomon Pilot or Profil
- Core sizes only (no super large or small)
Kid’s Skis
- Condition allows us to sell for ≥ $50
- Bindings must be NNN compatible
Kid’s Boots
- Good quality - condition allows us to sell for ≥ $50
Kid’s Poles
- Only MSR, TSL, Atlas
- Good condition - condition allows us to sell for ≥ $100
No Avalanche Safety Equipment
- No probes
- No beacons/transceivers
- No airbag packs or BD Avalung packs
Snow Shovels
- Must have double-welded necks
- Must be name-brand (e.g., Voile, BD, BCA, G3, Mammut)
- No “goose neck” shovels (long necks at base which are subject to breakage)
- No plastic shovels
- NO airbags
- NO avalanche safety equipment
- NO helmets
- NO downhill skis/boots